
Dungeon Crawler

Congratulations You Won!
Sorry, You Lost!
Player life:
Weapon [damage]:
Bare fists [ 4 ]
min attack damage:
0 XP


  1. Playing instructions:

    Player can move in all directions until he hits an obstacle or an enemy, which he has to keep moving into in order to damage or kill it

    For each enemy killed player gets XP, after a certain amount player's level is upgraded. Higher level upgrades minimum attack damage

  2. Items:

    Some items are hidden in chests and some are visible:

    • key
    • weapons
    • first aid kits

    Weapons upgrade max damage power, first aid heals the player and the key is needed to unlock a pathway to the next dungeon

  3. Goal:

    Player wins after killing the Dragon boss in the 4th dungeon
